Sunday, April 10, 2011

Burnaby plumber Sewer Inspection

Working as a Burnaby plumber, I am often asked by Vancouver Plumbing clients, "should I have a sewer camera inspection?" The answer : if you are buying a home older than 20 years, or have experienced repeat sewer back ups is Yes You Should!

In Vancouver it seems like very few home buyers ask for a sewer inspection before the purchase of their house. It simply does not occur to them although it is one of the most important inspections you could get for a home. Older houses may have deteriorating or clay pipes, that with ground movement may separate at the joints. This can allow debris and roots to infiltrate the sewer line causing a blockage. If there are trees on or near the property they can cause serious damage over the years.

In order to get a house's main sewer line scoped call your local Vancouver /  Burnaby plumber and ask if they can do a video inspection. The plumbing contractor will insert a camera attached to a snake into a clean-out or toilet flange. You can view the live feed back on a monitor as the snake passes through the system. If a problem is found the issue can clearly be diagnosed and pin pointed with a locator.

When considering the cost of replacing a sewer line in Vancouver, the small fee for a camera inspection is money well spent and is an investment in peace of mind.

Watermark Plumbing - Vancouver